Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How didi you come up with that idea ?

I bought a textbook.
The name of the title is "Let's write a blog in English"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

the Olympics and tears of an athlete

I was deeply impressed with a certain scene.
At the 100m woman hurdle race , an athlete from Jamaica stumbled and fell down.
She was cried down and hit the ground over and over
A British woman stuff looked her for a while with affectionate eyes and anything compassion.
That's sean made me feel like teaching what a gentle relation between mankinds is.
I was stroked by thinking of her deeply disappointment who would be behinded by all the people of her country and an elegant English woman's consideration.
Whereas I want to pay my respect to  the news photographer of BBC.
It'll be wonderful memory for ever.