Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Story Worth Telling


My friend,Jim  sent me a photo at Thanksgiving Day.

Hi, below is a Christian explanation of God and salvation. This is a
lot to translate, but it is worth it.

1. God is the loving ruler over the world. He made it and all the
people who occupy it.
2. We all reject the ruler, God, by trying to run our life without
Him. But we fail to rule ourselves, society, or the world.
3. God is righteous and therefore will judge all who rebel against him.
4. Because of His love, God sent His Son into the world: the man,
Jesus Christ. Jesus always lived under God's rule. Yet, by dying in
our place he took our punishment and brought God's forgiveness.
5. God raised Jesus to life again as the ruler of the world, Jesus has
conquered death, now gives new life, and will return to judge.



Friday, November 16, 2012

Armistice Day, a letter from Whittlesey in England

They shall grow not old, As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them.

A friend of mine put this verse on her facebook.
She talks :

Do you know this verse Kazuhiro? It is very famous here and always said on Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day. It makes me feel very tearful as it is so poignant. We should never forget those that gave their lives in any wars wherever they come from. It is so futile.



I was very impressed the sentence as follows,
".....wherever they come from. It is so futile"


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Japan Tsunami

A Friend of mine lives in El Cerito US contributed on San Francisco newspaper.
As it is too praising for Japanese, I am a little ashamed.
His article is as follows, 

As everyone knows by now, the Japanese can teach us a wonderful lesson. Since the earthquake they have been taking care of one another, without complaining about taxes, and with a spirit of generosity. What the Japanese gain is a clear conscience, and a good feeling in their hearts. In California, we could learn from this, and ask ourselves what kind of world we really want to live in. We can rise to the occasion by looking again at our budget crisis, and by saying that we want to pay enough taxes, so that everyone can live with respect, with basic needs met. Although Japan can be very cut throat in sports, school, and business, people are kind and relaxed, with a sense of being supported by a safety net that will not fail. For us, that kind of feeling would be much more valuable than saving a few dollars on taxes. Let's be generous, raise taxes, help people who need it. We will feel better.

(published 3-23-11)